Rajni Bakshi

Stories by Rajni Bakshi

What India's youth can learn from Gandhi

What India's youth can learn from Gandhi

Rediff.com   9 May 2017

'You are beginning your professional life in a time of global turmoil, when economic systems and the earth's eco-systems are in deep crisis.' 'Societies across the world are struggling with the complexity of technological and social change happening at a speed that our species has never experienced before.' 'May you be more excited than frightened by the times we live in.' 'Precisely because the crises are so deep, there are also unprecedented opportunities for pioneering and brave work that can transform society, culture and economy to create a much better world for your children.'

What Star Trek tells us about reaching out to others

What Star Trek tells us about reaching out to others

Rediff.com   25 Nov 2016

'In the lingo of Star Trek, how willing are we to keep all hailing frequencies open in order to listen more closely and with empathy to whoever we consider the 'other'?'

Celebrating azaadi: Listening for the concern behind the complaint

Celebrating azaadi: Listening for the concern behind the complaint

Rediff.com   10 May 2016

'We live in a time when hideous anger easily flares up, particularly on identity-related issues.' 'Often advocates of harmony and compassion fall victim to the same anger and end up hating the 'haters'!' 'This changes the moment we are able to turn the slanging match into a conversation.' 'More often than not you may find that there is agreement on a fundamental truth -- respect for the life and dignity of all.'

How climate change is related to market failure

How climate change is related to market failure

Rediff.com   4 Dec 2015

Columnist Rajni Bakshi asks if the louder responses to the climate crisis will be those arguing that innovations are viable only when they give handsome and rapid monetary returns?

Land acquisition and democracy

Land acquisition and democracy

Rediff.com   13 Mar 2015

Those who have a long-range mission of true nation-building will pay close attention to World Bank's new action plan for fairness in all matters of land use, says Rajni Bakshi.

Why the world needs non-violence more than ever

Why the world needs non-violence more than ever

Rediff.com   15 Jan 2015

'Non-violence can be a viable tool for countering the competitive brutality of terrorist groups,' argues Rajni Bakshi.

Tolerance as a duty is a pre-requisite to making India

Tolerance as a duty is a pre-requisite to making India

Rediff.com   12 Jan 2015

If democracy is to survive and thrive, duties have to be as important as rights and tolerance must be the foundation of public and private life.

Climate Change: Looking for hope beyond Lima conference

Climate Change: Looking for hope beyond Lima conference

Rediff.com   22 Dec 2014

With the weaker-than-expected agreement at the recent Climate Change Conference at Lima, there is an urgent need to highlight endeavours in civil society and business for a sustainable global economy with grassroots empowerment, say Rajni Bakshi.

What the Sino-US climate deal means for India

What the Sino-US climate deal means for India

Rediff.com   14 Nov 2014

While India is pushed to keep a tight lid on its own carbon emissions, slow and low emission reduction by major polluters will cause an acceleration of climate change, says Rajni Bakshi.

Why corporates must design projects to involve local populace

Why corporates must design projects to involve local populace

Rediff.com   4 Nov 2014

Businesses that either take local communities for granted or see them as an obstacle to be 'managed' are skating on thin ice.

Why corporates must design projects to involve local populace

Why corporates must design projects to involve local populace

Rediff.com   4 Nov 2014

Businesses that either take local communities for granted or see them as an obstacle to be 'managed' are skating on thin ice.

Rich should degrow so poor can prosper

Rich should degrow so poor can prosper

Rediff.com   26 Sep 2014

Current forms of economic growth are widening disparities, leaving hundreds of millions of people to live in poverty, says Rajni Bakshi.

B K S Iyengar, U R Ananthamurthy: India's beacons

B K S Iyengar, U R Ananthamurthy: India's beacons

Rediff.com   28 Aug 2014

What B K S Iyengar and U R Ananthamurthy embodied was a cultural self-confidence. This is why their sense of being Indian and Hindu was non-competitive, non-combative and even non-comparative with other cultures and religions, says Rajni Bakshi.

Gandhi's 'Sarvodaya' philosophy can revive the Indian economy

Gandhi's 'Sarvodaya' philosophy can revive the Indian economy

Rediff.com   13 Jun 2014

At present there is virtually no dialog between votaries of different various versions of economic democracy.

Medha and Meera: A glimpse of the future

Medha and Meera: A glimpse of the future

Rediff.com   24 Apr 2014

AAP candidates from Mumbai, Medha Patkar and Meera Sanyal, are poised to play a crucial and complementary role. While Patkar gives voice to the suffering of people at the grassroots, Sanyal is articulating the key principles that could build a more just and equitable society or economy, says Rajni Bakshi.

Be wary of tall claims that a decisive leader can provide a quick fix

Be wary of tall claims that a decisive leader can provide a quick fix

Rediff.com   11 Apr 2014

'Elections don't offer easy or ideal choices. Voters may find there is no candidate whom they can fully trust. But here is a litmus test for choosing between competing imperfection: Reject any candidate or party that asks you to put growth above secularism,' says Rajni Bakshi.

The economics of happiness

The economics of happiness

Rediff.com   17 Mar 2014

This does not mean isolating parochialism but of new way of thinking about economic systems, says Rajni Bakshi.

Why Corporate Social Responsibility is the future for brands

Why Corporate Social Responsibility is the future for brands

Rediff.com   28 Dec 2013

More and more CSR is being defined by how a company runs its operations and makes its profits; and just firms donating money to charities.

GMOs - from war to dialog?

GMOs - from war to dialog?

Rediff.com   28 Nov 2013

Indian scientists who wrote to the PM last week are not entirely rejecting GMOs but instead asking for caution and further testing to establish their safety.